Another great issue of this Punisher series delivered almost flawlessly by Matthew Rosenberg with an engaging story and top-notch action. Guiu's art is polished and fit perfectly into this story.
This issue starts almost like the last one with Frank saving an innocent man from Petrov's troops and while doing that acquiring intel about his whereabouts and waging war to the headquarters of Petrov's but he got the attention of someone with special gear.

For every reader, this issue gives us TONS of action with Frank obliterating Petrov's troops and obviously a gorgeous artwork by Vilanova.
The story is compelling and simple. So far, there are no major twists and easy to follow up.
Rosenberg knows how to entertain and this issue gives us that. Entertainment.
The big premise of this arc so far, was seeing Frank against those rogue ex-agents of SHIELD. Energy blasts, flying maneuvers and even simple methods Frank used to try to take down those highly trained rogue agents.
Frank can easily use the suit to obliterate common troops, send vehicles through the air to stop tanks, etc... but when he faces some guys highly trained in their SHIELD armors things change a little bit.
What I'm liking so far is that Frank doesn't control the War Machine armor just yet. He didn't have the time to master it, he's in process of learning how to use it in the proper way.
This "weakness" is what I like about stories of the Punisher, the ability he has to overcome those weaknesses. This process of evolution is what I expect from this run. I have no doubt this process of learning how to master the War Machine armor will lead to something epic.

The action panels were amazing and dynamic artwork among panels.
Lee Loughridge did a better job on coloring this issue in my humble opinion. Despite some "brownish"colors in some panels overall he did a good job on coloring most of it. During the night scene Loughridge colors just shined.
Review by Ivo Santos